Saturday, October 08, 2005

Throwing Muses

I would just like to point out a couple of obersvations I have made recently, which may be interesting, or may be not. It's Saturday morning here, there's a pretty vicious thunderstorm going on outside and I'm listening to Gift Grub on roy is still the best I think. Anyway, observe away with ya:

1) The myth that Japanese people can't drink is, without doubt, not a myth (it seems that a little enzyme which breaks down aldehyde is certainly extinct in the majority of the locals). I have witnessed this all the time I get the train home at night, watching the salarymen stumble around, sing loudly and generally behave in ways that would insult their very morals should they witness it themselves! But what struck me as being utterly hilarious and somewhat disconcerting was the scence of my very first vomitorium. While walking to hit a few baseballs with the lads after work on Thursday night, we passed what I can only discribe as a group of early 20-somethings, dressed in the hip-hop style which is huge here, vomiting in a violent manner on the side of the road, with the obligatory girl with their arm over the shoulder of the human fire extinguisher, patting him gently and laughing silently. What hit me first was not the smell of puke but the smell of disinfectant! It is obviously a regular occurence. It was hilarious. Casting an eye across the assembled participants, one was struck by the normality of it all. I've seen guys (95% of the time it's men, I'm not being sexist here) as they are about to board the train, kneel down, upchuck in the gap between the platform and locomotive, stand up, smile at his fellow salarymen and get on board. Then the nervous journey begins as one hopes that he doesn't decide to upchuck in one's general direction...I have yet to see them puke on the train though. At least they have some decorum.

2) Kyobashi is a busy hub in Osaka, the train station is a changeover stop from the subway to various train lines going to various destinations. As a result, the surrounding environs of the station have become the biblical Sodom and Gommorah, with the sex industry thriving there. There are pimps everywhere, general gigilos with buffaunt hair and black suits. It's quite comical really and I think it's very tongue-in-cheek, but they probably take it seriously. There are the usual dancers and the like, but what is the main draw are the girls in the bars. The way it works is, so I've been told, OBVIOUSLY, is that you just go in, pick the chick that you fancy and pay about 150yoyos, in some places, to spend 60 minutes with her....TALKING! Yup, they just sit down with you and chat. I guess it's in the strictest tradition of the geisha (of which there are very few now in Japan...Kyoto still has some genuine Geisha) but why would you pay that much moola just to chat to someone. It's not that I'm saying for that much money you should get jiggy with it (outcha Tayto) but it's an expensive way to get to talk to someone...anyway. I just thought it was amusing as the usual post on the floor when I come home in the evening are flyers for these places.

I was going to write more but my brain is addled and I need to eat so....smell ya later


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey fella - how's de form? not much in the way of vomitoriums around here but a few birds in, though I missed rouzel and lesser whitey today - that's gotta hurt! And news just in there's a probable grey-cheeked thrush at the plantation on de Old Head as I type - it's too dark to twitch it biy! Hawfinch there too apparently! Most of de cork fellas are all on cape this weekend too - probly all getting p*ssed up watching de match atm. That's football Kevin!!

October 09, 2005 2:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
As Col said, lots of us Cork lads were on Cape, only to have our night rudely interrupted by talk of a Catharus thrush on OHK, which looked good for Grey-cheeked. Luckily for all and sundry (including Cronin), the bird hung around all day today, so we went straight there from Baltimore and had very good views on a few occasions. It was a real skulker otherwise, though! The Hawfinch was also there, so two ticks for Cronin! Andre got both, his year list is currently on 254 (4 over the previous record)....
Cape had decent nos scarce migrants (Yellow-browed etc), but nothing too rare down there. A scare of a possible Swainson's by the Post Office yesterday turned out to be a SONG THRUSH when the photos were seen on a big screen...guess which prominent Dublin birder and photographer had that bird...? ;)

October 10, 2005 2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grey cheeked Thrush OML YA BAS!!!


October 10, 2005 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the far side usage by the way!Class!

October 10, 2005 8:45 PM  
Blogger Carmo said...

Boys, told you a goodie would turn up when I left the country!! What Irish record was that? I presume Bob O'Link was the dude who id'd that song thrush...typical. Am delighted for Andre, he put in some serious mileage to break that record and it's only October!! I reckon he'll be over 260 or even higher than my paltry Irish list!!! With a bit of luck it will. Wouldn't be surprised if he's over 300 now for Ireland.

Anyway, glad you got the tick boys, a glad it was on the old stomping ground too.

Go on ye bas's!!!

October 10, 2005 9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,
No, Bob O'Link didn't make a mess of the Song Thrush...'twas someone from Dublin with the initials PK whose wife is also a birder....

October 11, 2005 1:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and the Grey-cheeked was the 4th record. Seen again today per BINS and Birdguides.

October 11, 2005 2:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

carmo its doo or dye tonight, remember that song "'ll never beat the irish......." haven't heard it inna while, lets make swiss cheese out of those european bores tonight, will send you on chaotic photos of celebrations in kinsale tomorrow, this night will go down in history, andy reid to steal the show.......

October 12, 2005 11:30 PM  
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