Friday, October 27, 2006

Once again I appear to you rather tardily due to an intense work schedule and a lack of motivation in writing anything about non-existent life at the moment. Last weekend was spent in the office on Saturday, my first time since I have arrived in Japan, so that was not pleasant but it had to be done. I needed to catch up on a few things and at least I got them done to put me back on track. All that after a 65 hour week...the joys. At least the days go by quickly and the weeks will fly by. Before I know it, I will be back in de real capital supping on the black stuff and wondering had I ever left. I look forward to it.

Also, the rumours of my new job as sumo wrestler can now be put aside as I give to you proof of the next job in my life...stuntman. Yes ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Evel Carmo-Kinevel at work, providing the crowds with thrills, spills and daredevil activities. An action shot of me on my bike, taken by Action Johnson with Samuel L. "Windley" Jackson's leg at the edge of the frame. We were coming back from playing a bit of ball in the park, jumpers for goalposts...nice. After that it was straight to the 280yen bar for some beer, edamame and carage. Excellent!!

I also attended a costume party for one of the girl's birthdays which was great fun but those who know me will know that I did not dress up in any attire whatsoever, as I am a boring bastard and to be honest, it's just not my bag baby. A great night was had by all but some had more fun than others....if you know what I show and all that :) Anyway....

A bit of birding in Osaka-jo produced 6 species of flycatchers (Narcissus flycatcher above), a couple of warblers and some fine brambling having a bath with a White-eye...all very exotic. Photos of some of the birds can be found on my Flikr page, the link for which is on the left. Check them out, there are other photos of Fuji, Osaka, Kyoto etc.... And so, after this brief and rather BBBOOOORRRRRIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG account of my last couple of weeks, I will head to bed and prepare what's left of my sanity for another day in the office.

Carmo's Diet: This week, I have mostly been eating small oranges

Carmo's Birds: Brown, Sooty, Blue and White, Grey-streaked, Narcissus and Mugimaki Flycatcher; Brambling; Arctic Warbler; Brown Thrush; Pale Thrush.

Carmo's Birds for Byrdy: Rebecca Romijn

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Losing my mind

The last couple of weeks since I last posted have been pretty hectic, crazy and mind-numbing. A persistent chest-infection and head cold, which is finally abating now, had me feeling like death warmed up, and a 70 hour work week the week before, kept my strength down. Last weekend was quiet, a bit of birding but nothing new or unusual of note. A scope view of Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwit made me feel like I was back home, but for only a second or two. The arrival of 5 Marsh Sandpipers into view brought me back down to earth with a bang. It was nice while it lasted. I am looking forward to coming home this Christmas. It will be the bones of 2 years since I last stepped on the hallowed turf of Ireland. It is going to be a good day....

This week was just as bad as regards work, we are very busy with some high profile cases due yesterday, of which I am involved in one. It's exciting, frustrating and amazing work to be involved in. Although I have my work face on (those who know, will know what I mean...basically, I look like I could kill someone if they spoke to me) I am relishing the challenge.

Some interesting tidbits of late, a great night out to see Giles Peterson at Club Noon was superb, a train full of unicyclists was unnerving and surreal, young folk randomly dancing in unison on the street corners of Umeda, some beautiful buildings in good light for a change, a trip to see Match Point with my friend Seiko was excellent ("the wind that shakes the barley" or moves the barley arrives in next month....excellent), Seiko and another friend of mine quit work which made me sad, screaming people atop a float moving through my neighborhood at 9am this morning, banging drums and playing whistles was not good, the opening of a 280yen bar near me gaff is very good, hearing about all the amazing birds from America dropping on the shores of my homeland was not good to hear, knowing that the boys have twitched them makes it even worse (LANGERS), finding a Western Sanpiper in Osaka was great, dipping on Temminck's Stint was not good; watching a Peregrine Falcon soar around buildings from 15 floors up was cool.

I believe that rumors are begining to spread through the land that I am going to stay here to take up Sumo wrestling I would like to rubbish. Although some people think that the guy in the yellow t-shirt is me, the blurry image just could not be me.

Another weekend ahead, not much planned, a bit of R&R and some movie watching, maybe editing some photos, are in order. I need a break. On that note my good readers, I shall leave you to your own devices and I am going to make a cup of tea...more photos have been posted up on Flikr page (see links to the left)

Carmo's Diet: This week, I have mostl been eating dates stuffed with almonds, all the way from Dubai

Carmo's Birds: WESTERN SANDPIPER; Marsh Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Redshank, Greenshank, Sooty Flycatcher, Streaked Flycatcher.

Carmo's Birds for Byrdy: Scarlet Johansen