Weekeed away...with work...yippee do
the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a drag because despite fabulous weather during the week, it would piss out of the heavens for the weekend. A bit like western Europe right now except at least we have 5 days of sunshine and not constant rain. It's horrendous the way the weather systems are becoming so out of sinc, at least what we consider to be in out of sinc. Who's not to say that this is the way it's supposed to go? We'll never know. Anyway, I'm talking through my...
The weekend before last was supposed to be the return of Team No Disc-o to the playing fields of Taj-ultimate 2007 starring as the Paul McGrath of Ultimate Disc, yours truly, but alas the long-standing back injurty prevented me from travelling with the team. I was pissed off about that and spent the weekend, a holiday one at that, in the chiropractor and doing not much else due to the pissing rain. On Sunday night I met a few friends and headed to a burlesque show featuring the world-famous murasaki babydoll troupe from Tokyo. They won some big awards in the States last year and this year. It was hilarious and we had a great night. Eva was hot as and we met her afterwards (see left). There was a magician who also performed called Sexy Da Vinchi and he had the whole place laughing. It was hilarious. We also met him afterwards and is, allegedly, coming to a bbq YN has organized for August 5th.
A massive earthquake hit Niigata the following morning on Monday 16th, and it nearly threw me off my chair while sitting in front of the computer at home. It was the fist earthquake that I have felt in my apartment. My apartment building is quite a strong and relatively new structure so it should be okay to withstand a big earthquake (at least I hope it will be). It was quite incredible to feel that power and I can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to experience a really big earthquake. Quite frightening I would think. Thankfully we didn't feel anything of the Man-yi typhoon that devastated western Japan. The wind was stronger than normal, but that was about all.
As for the Koya-san trip away with work last weekend...the highlight was driving in PJ's new motor. It's a class car and so cool. The car came with sat-nav which is just class. Looks like it could be an interesting few months while PJ has the motor...roll on the road trips to Lawson and Konoike 280!!! haha...(sorry Mum, as you can see I still have a ciggie in my hand...I don't inhale anymore though :))
Bird wise: nada, zero, nil, nought...weather all over the place, too hot, too wet, too windy. Insect photos are the new craze. Check out my photos for a better look see.
Carmo's Diet: This week, I have mostly been eating mosquitoes
Carmo's Birds: Japanese Bush Warbler
Carmo's Birds for Byrdy: Jennifer Connelly (again)
Tv highlights: 24 Season 6