well, what can I write at 7am on the day before I head on vacation? Not a lot really. I have been birding a lot, the only thing preventing the disillusionment I am beginning to feel now with Japan taking a stranglehold. Yes, it is like that. I am looking forward to going home for a vaca, although a death in the family has put a bit of a downer on things. It is hard to take all that in. I guess it will be all the more apparent when I get there. However, this is not going to be a gloomy post. This is probably not going to be an overly exciting post either (are they ever I hear you roar!!!).
So, without further ceremony, I shall continue. Work has been okay of late, not as busy as previously experienced for some strange reasons. The High Court cases we are involved with are coming to a close so that has freed up my time to do the bread and butter work. Hence, I am way ahead of my game. It makes time for the gym and stops me from eating pringles :) I went out with a friend of mine on Saturday night (PK) for a bite to eat and some pints which was a great laugh. He originally worked with me but "left" and after a stint back in Canada and up near Tokyo, has returned to Osaka to a position in Osaka University. A funny man, an interesting man...
Birding has been okay with the best birds being Painted Snipe (above and further below), Greater Sand Plover, Temminck's Stint, Garganey, Grey-faced buzzard (below) and a JP tick with Hobby, which is a rare bird in Osaka. The mozzies are out in full force and prevented me from birding Osaka-jo on Saturday morning. I had to make a hasty retreat having forgotten to bring my mozzy repellent and with the 3/4 length shorts on me, my legs were attacked with a viscious and relentless aggressiveness.
In the news, Israel are at it again and cutting off power and water supplies to Gaza. Wankers. USA are piling more troops in to Iraq and finally, the blood-thirsty "Security" companies are being kicked out for murdering innocent civilians in Baghdad. It's a pity they don't kick the US army out for murdering, raping, torturing and pilaging the people of Iraq. I wonder who's more the tyrant in this instance: the private security companies or the US army. I know my opinion on that.
Ireland have albeit limped through the World Cup in a demoralising display of fatigue, staleness, and no form. It's disappointing. At least I'll be able to watch their total demise in a pub in Cork this Sunday. And here was I thinking we could actually win the competition!!! Cork got trounced by the savages of Kerry in the Final of the football. Thank Christ the ladies football team brought a bit of pride back to the county having lost 2 All-Ireland finals this year and the hurlers not preforming at all...beaten by the Deise. Honestly...
On that note, and as I really don't feel like adding anymore at this hour of the brain dead morning, I will bid you all adieu. I shall return post haste with tales of drinking, birding, and whatnot from the emerald isle anon...
Carmo's Diet: this week I have mostly been eating figs
Carmo's Birds: Hobby*, Temminck's stint, Spotted Redshank, Garganey, Grey-faced buzzard, Goshawk, Oriental Honey Buzzard
Carmo's Birds for Byrdy: anything at this stage