The week that was
Hello all,
it's been some time since I last graced these pages and so I shall tell you all about my week that was. I am presenlty sitting down listening to "Morcheeba: Back to Mine" and having a glass of vino, something which I havent' done in quite a while. It's quite nice actually. Well, I promise to keep the birding content to a minimum, just a photo or two...really, I promise.
Last week was one of the toughest and mind-draining weeks so far at work. I put in some late nights and didn't have the energy for the gym at all. I am begining to wonder is it worth paying 70yoyos a month now, but I did go on Saturday morning so that was good. Despite the stress of work, my back has been in good condition with the exception of 2 days last week when I worked later than normal. Par for the course, as one man once said. We're packed with cases at the moment and there are due dates coming out the proverbial woodwork, being landed on our desks at the rate of knots. All good of course, why I'd be complaining if we were quiet at work...NOT!!! Good grief moncrief but it would be nice to finish before 8pm some nights. On a point of interest, well to us Patent Agents anyhow, a UK associate is with us for a month and he works the most glorious, music-to-my-ears hours yet...Dolly Parton's 9 to 5. He's a qualified European Patent Attorney and he works for a big firm but they finish at 5pm every day. However, shock horror, he brings work home with him sometimes...we just laughed and when I left work tonight with him at about 9ish, he couldn't believe we were still there. I'm getting my Irish ass to the UK (I know, who'd have thought I'd think about working there) and have a normal working week. Ah, time, ladies and gentlemen, time will tell...
So, went for a few bevvies with the buoys on Friday after work, pished, slightly, on 3 beers! I'm truly turning Japanese as regards my capacity for booze. Good or bad? That depends on who you talk to I guess. Saturday was spent in bed in the morning as it was thunderous with rain, then followed by the gym and a trip to Umeda for some gandering and oogling at really nice lenses. The lotto first, then the lenses I'm afraid. Dinner with TM at a really cool place called the Elephant Cafe, a good mix of Thai, Korean, Western dishes and at a reasonable price. Really good cocktails there apart from the Mochito which was crap, sorry, not up to the Charmo standard.
Sunday morning was spent BIRDing in Osaka-jo park which is quite near work. In the picure you will notice a big blue building, that's called the Crystal Tower and that is where I domicile for 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. It's a beautiful building and I must get some better photos but there's just a taster. There was a Korean festival on also and the food was only fabulous. The music wasn't bad and the people were great. It was packed and the weather was good. After a few hours prattling about there, I went back to me palatial abode and proceeded to cook, clean, wash clothes and generally be a good house-person (let's be PC here people). What a man, what man.
That's about it. I just finished a book called "Living to tell the tale", which is an autobiographic account of the young Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Anybody who has read his books and love to the way he writes, should really get there hands on a copy. It's a joy to read, like all his books, and he tells his young life growing up in abject poverty, revolution, dictartorships, befriending Fidel Castro and how he became a writer and not a lawyer (hmmm, I wonder is there a message in there...). A superb book that I couldn't put down and was gutted yet enthralled when I finished it.
Sin e for now folks...hang on, what's this?? How did that photograph of a Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker get in here?? There so small, about the size of a sparrow, that he must have snuck in. Sorry about that folks, I just don't know how that could have happned...sheesh, I must be slipping up in my old age.
And just for my sister, who's birthday was last week, and whom I have just spoken to on the phone, this week I have mostly been eating chicken, prawns and vegtables, wrapped in rice paper.
If my bro reads this, I'll be on to you this weekend for an ol' natter.
Ah sorry again folks, a fabulous Japanese White-eye just flew in as I was publishing the post...aren't critters just the darndest things....