Bell's out..(DING!)..ROUND 2!! Ton vs. Carmo
After a somewhat late night surfing the net at photo editing software, I stumbled out of bed at 10am in a dreary haze. I went to the shower-room to, well shower of course, instead started to brush my teeth with shaving foam...I kid you not. Thank god I don't operate heavy machinery..only billions of dollars worth of patent instead!! HAHAAA, the fools. Anyway, I trotted (exaggeration) to the train station, grabbed the train to Umeda where I wanted to look at Yodabashi for cameras for the Leurve machine but forgot to print out what he wanted (Sorry Deccie Leurve, next weekend!!) so I just grabbed a 'bucks (I'm such a regular) and headed out to Shinsai.
A beautiful day, very spring like, warm, blue skies, crows carrying nest material, buds on the trees. It's shaping up to hit soon, I'm not looking forward to the was murder last year. I reached Chopstick early, as is my tendancy, and lay out for Ton (steady on there!!!). 3.5 hours later, round 2 was finished, a gruelling battle which Ton won on points, but only just. The masterpiece is taking real shape. I think it is looking well. It hurt like a *&^%$#@$ but Discovery Channel, although on mute, kept me entertained with the reason why Alexander the Great died. Poor bastard was poisoned probably, slowly.
Ben took care of the after care and we chatted for a bit. A really sound lad from the US of Atrocities. He was impressed with the work and informed me that Ton is one of the top 3 tattoo artists in Japan!! Ton has a fantastic manner about him, very serene, gentle and calm but cool as. A genius too if you ask me. It has blown me away the way simple shading can produce an image on the skin that looks alive and strong. Maybe you might see what I mean from the photos (click on them for the bigger picture). I am looking forward to next week's final installment!
What got me the most afterwards, and still is now, was the feeling of absolute euphoria as I walked through Shinsaibashi to make my way to the subway to get home. I felt, and still feel, stoned out of my head. Pee Wee, remember that time we walked around the home territories one sunny Saturday afternoon before work and the had the best few hours of our lives (at the time of course) and we didn't say a word until we had to buy a snickers....I felt just like that. I was thinking of ya wee lad, wishing that we could do the same around Shinsai.
Avast me hearties, I am off to bathe and keep this beast clean. A quiet night in I feel. Still feeling out of it. Don't you just love endorphins.